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Investment Manager

Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland ;
The Investment Manager is responsible for underwriting investment opportunities, providing financial analyses to support investment decisions, conducting market research, and leading the execution of investment and development transactions. Day to day duties include sourcing opportunities, analysing due diligence materials and transaction documents and preparing & presenting investment memoranda.


Key Role Responsibilities

  • Assisting in sourcing, preparing & presenting new investment memo’s, financing or disposition recommendations and updates on existing investments or portfolio status.
  • Manage acquisition due diligence processes and closings with outside counterparties, managing external advisors.
  • Actively engaging with owners, brokers, equity partners, lenders, attorneys, consultants and all other related internal departments, as appropriate.
  • Financial analysis and underwriting of investment opportunities, including running detailed multi-tier waterfall models, work closely and interdisciplinary with Development, Portfolio- and Asset Management and Operations teams.
  • Engaging with lenders to negotiate terms-sheets and long form agreements and navigate internal approval processes (with support from in-house counsel).
  • Market investigation of potential acquisitions, competitive properties and local market fundamentals.

Knowledge & Qualifications

  • Educated to degree level or equivalent in a related business or analytical subject; such as finance, business management, real estate, accounting, economics, mathematics, statistics, science or engineering.
  • Master / Bachelor degree in real estate, business or finance (preferred).
  • IT literate and fully conversant with all Microsoft packages including Excel (Advanced level) PowerPoint (Advanced level).
  • General understanding of student/multi-family housing and third-party management.

Experience & Skills

  • Significant experience of managing transactions within a real estate investment environment.
  • Proven quantitative and qualitative analytical skills to effectively assess sensitivities and pressure points during complex negotiations.
  • Excellent numeracy, written and verbal communication skills; including the ability to effectively write and present reports and information, and establish and maintain positive relationships and influence at all levels.
  • A positive team player, with an adaptable and flexible approach along with ability to work collaboratively to drive results and support the wider team and business objectives.
  • Demonstrable management and leadership skills and sufficient to recruit, lead and manage team members to achieve high performance.

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